I have a confession to make...

I am a part of the problem. 

The decline of the high street - the ghost-town vibe when you visit a small uk town. Charity and vape shops dominate, the latter makes me wonder if something more sinister is going on...

No, I don't vape. But yes, until earlier this month, I had an Amazon Prime subscription. I hope you can forgive me.

My excuse? Well, I'm a single mum, running a business in a challenging global climate. Amazon is cheaper. Quicker. Convenient. Less hassle. So easy...

Or is it? Another book, just a click away - before I have ready all the others that are piling up. Anxiety that, at it's worst, has me feeling lonely, isolated and super sad. That "pop to the shops" is community, exercise, fresh air, real. Bumping into a friend and supporting a local business. Now that's priceless.

I am always first to express my sadness when another indie shop closes, yet - like I said - I was part of the problem. So, now what? What small steps can I take to make a positive impact. I need to put my money where my mouth is.

Enough is enough. It is time for change.

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