That's all folks - and that's if your one of the lucky ones.
You can count to a thousand.
If you are not a walking beam of sunshine, there's work to be done.
Can I offer a few suggestions?
Self awareness is everything. Learn about yourself. Dive deep. There are a billion self-help books in your local bookshop and two hundred billion self-help videos on YouTube.
Wear the fucking clothes (and the jewellery!) - there's no such thing as "best". There are no special days, every day is an awesomely amazing gift.
Tell rude, controlling and annoying people to fuck off - in the nicest possible way. Or better yet, phase them out quietly and they might not even notice - magic!
Give up the habit - the bad one. Okay, the the bad ones. This takes self awareness (see above) and a tonne of discipline. Some habits are blindingly obvious and other hide in plain sight.
Know your procrastination and kick it to the curb. What does it look like for you? Cleaning the bathroom, pairing up socks, doomscrolling, wondering aimlessly, drinking, fussing, overthinking, overworking, overeating - generally doing something different to the thing that you should be doing.
If you hate your job? Quit it. Make an escape plan and follow it. Freedom is everything. If your job is crushing your soul, don't settle, give yourself some hope and make a move.
Watch your mental consumption. Your brain is your control centre, your home - be carful what you let in. News, social media, gossip and negativity run so freely in our world. For me, the BBC is a huge trigger. My bf says "Don't check the news" and what do I do? Check the news. And boom - hello anxiety and eternal dread. I'm not saying be an ostrich. I am saying you have a choice. Look up Mo Gowdat he gets it. Choose your inputs wisely...
Be kind (and patient) - its soooooo fucking simple. Please. Thank you. Opening doors and smiling at people. You have a million things at the checkout, the person behind you is just buying a banana? Let them go first. Work on that awareness. Act accordingly.
Call your friends. I don't have many, and that makes me very happy. I maybe have eight people I can call 24/7, who would drop their shit for me. That is all. I am there for them. They are there for me. I love them. I respect them. I will listen to them.
Now don't get me wrong - I have a way to go.... My finances? Cough could use some work. A glass ceiling that needs shattering. And control? It makes me feel safe. I have bad habits that still need breaking. But my life is my own. I quit the job. I got the divorce. I stopped drinking. I had mega fear, and I acted anyway.
I am figuring myself out day by day - and hopefully growing.
A thousand months. That's our ballpark. Enjoy your life.