All things are not made equal...

I had a little tour around a uk jewellery factory recently, and it was everything that I am not - as lovely as they are.

I had flashbacks of my teenage work experience in the mid 90s, sitting with a jewellery designer as he explained how the designs focus on making the metal as light as possible - we are talking foil, not the solid metal as you would expect.

Back to the factory… I was informed that you know if they made it because you can blow it away… Try blowing one of my signet rings away and you’re going to hyperventilate.

The jewellery from the factory is sold on reputable websites that you and I have both probably ordered from.

This jewellery is made with profit in mind; RockCakes is made with joy in mind. These differences are prevalent in all industries, from food to fashion, and as consumers, we have choices that can and will shape our future.

So here I have a dilemma and an opportunity. How do I get my messaging across that what you get from me is not in the same sphere as what you get from them.

Although financially they must be making beyond what I can imagine, what I make will be an heirloom, what they make will be in the air... blowing away.

And so, all things are not made equal. Spend your money wisely. Ask questions. Shop small. Think heirloom not landfill.

Slow consumption of well-made products - that must be our future.

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