Commitment issues...

Okay, so I got a divorce - but that is not what I'm talking about here and if you're "a creative" you know exactly where this is going...

I generally sit with a feeling that I am not quite where I want to be, this feeling is an old and familiar one. A dissatisfaction. Maybe it's healthy as it spurs me on, but then again maybe it's not. And recently it has been nibbling at me on the daily.

The trouble is I want to do everything, and that can stop me from doing something, anything. I end up doing nothing. 

Instagram really doesn't help, we all know comparison to be the thief of joy - that affirmation has done the rounds but... OMG - I want to paint like that. I want to make a cake like that. Is that actually hand embroidered? How did you edit that reel? I didn't know you could glaze a pot in those beautiful colours. Hmmm, am I too old to be a dancer? You did that with just a pencil? Woah, that poem is so simple and beautiful and you made it look so easy... You get the picture.

Obviously I have committed to RockCakes, but it ebbs and it flows. I dabble with different ideas and mediums and maybe it takes the clarity away from my little brand. 

So I sat down and wrote a list of all the things I want to do, there were 44 things and I wasn't really trying.

So how do we commit? To just one. Really? Just one? It is so hard but I am on the edge of achieving nothing if I don't commit. 

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