What gets you lit?

I'm not asking you exactly. I'm asking me.

As previously mentioned, I feel that RockCakes is at a point of change, a pivot perhaps.

It's a simple question, but one I am finding hard to answer.

People (you) make me feel lit. When you come into contact with RockCakes and leave feeling uplifted. Not only because you own a new piece of jewellery, but because you feel inspired.

So, I am searching for something deeper. More substance. More purpose. More reason. Because somewhere inside me, I know I have so much more to give.

In today's world, we must question consumer businesses - why they exist, what they stand for and how they behave. And I am questioning myself too. Times are not simple, and RockCakes is here for the long haul, so what exactly should RockCakes be?

Jewellery - yes. But with meaning. With purpose. With reason.

I am on a thoughtful mission to close the gap between my artist-self and the purpose behind my brand. It is lush, and it is hard.

In all honesty, I want to be lit, and I want you to be lit too...

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